We are an independent registered non-government and nonprofit civil society organization based at Somalia. SUHAD prime motto is capacity building and services delivery to the deprived and marginalized people of the society.
During the process of social mobilization, SUHAD adopted a participatory, self-help, self-sustainable approach through com m unity involvement and formation of volunteer groups in remote rural areas of Somalia.
Sustainable rural development is a dynamic process posing various needs at different phases of time. These can be dealt w ith continuous interventions based on designed frameworks that incorporate the requirements projected by the com m unities and with the help of the com m unities by strategizing for public-private partnership.
Scope of Work
SUHAD has strong linkages w ith major NGOs and funding agencies working in Somalia. It has undertaken initiatives in south central zones through collaboration w ith local CBOs and activists. SUHAD enjoys a rich experience of working in the diverse socio-cultural envi ronm ent of Somalia and an extensive networking with the Districts & Federal Government, civil society institutions, media and political parties.
SUHAD while implementing its programme/projects as a first step undertakes com m unity mobilization so that to raise awareness in com m unity on health and hygiene, the importance of education in modern-day affairs, gender-related issues, socio-economic development and environmental protection.